
Ram Shanmugam

CEO and Co-Founder at Ovenue

Founder and CEO at AutonomIQ

My job in 3 words

Give shape to ideas

Reasons we should network with each other

Dream big, share wisdom, navigating transitions

I am BOLD because...

Owning my flaws and willing to change


Ram Shanmugam is a serial entrepreneur and splits his time between Silicon Valley and India. He has two successful startup exits and is the founder/CEO of Markovian Studios, a venture studio he founded to wotk on frontier technologies such as Gen AI, Brain Machine interfaces and Space technologies. Previously, Ram was the founder and CEO of AutonomIQ (acquired by Sauce Labs) where he pioneered the use of AI for solving complex software engineering and testing challenges. He has over 20 years of deep tech product experience at companies such as HP, Cisco, Actifio etc and spends his spare time in mentoring other entrepreneurs. He graduated from Georgia Tech and was research fellow at MIT and UC Berkeley.