
Claudia Falkinger


Punkt vor Strich

My job in 3 words

mobility, sustainability, experience design

Reasons we should network with each other

scavanger hunts, urban gardening, barista

I am BOLD because...

I dare to explore new boxes


Claudia is an innovator, lecturer & future experience designer. She has founded a mobility platform called "Punkt vor Strich" with international programs such as the Better Mobility Accelerator helping startups to create safe, sustainable, accessible and affordable mobility solutions. She is also the initiator of the networks "Women in Mobility Austria" and "Community creates Mobility". Claudia is also part of the Startup Council to the Ministry of Labour & Economics and serves as a board member of the Youth Economic Chamber in Austria. She loves teaching at universities on the topics of innovation, foresight and entrepreneurship as well as mentoring startups and female founders.