
Andreas Pongratz


x.news information technology gmbh

My job in 3 words

trust your team

Reasons we should network with each other

Curious, Learn, take a breath

I am BOLD because...

change 4 good needs inspiring minds


Elementary school Pinkafeld
High school BRG Oberschützen  
Commercial institute Stegersbach  HAK (degree in English and Italian) 
College of education Vienna finished studies in 1985 (hold a degree in education Dipl.Päd.)
University of economics Vienna – studies of interpretation English and Italian (2 years)

Teacher in Vienna for 4 years graduation English, Music
Seminars for teachers English at the „Pädagogisches Institut” Vienna in English in the context of the „CALL” (Computer assisted language learning) program
member of the school-books approval committee for English and Italian in secondary grade

Project manager for Hard and Soft to setup their media center in Vienna.
Responsible for all cooperation’s with leading US and UK soft and hardware manufacturers (Apple, Avid, Digidesign) in the audiovisual market.  
Marketing manager for 4 years.

Coaching and training of media companies in the realm of latest technologies 
(ZDF, 3Sat Newsroom System, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF…)

95-98 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz
Project manager for Europe’s first „Video on demand“ platform as well as the „adventure elevator“ at the Ars Electronica Center

1992 to 2016 CEO X-Art Pro Division G.m.b.H. (Ltd)
mainly responsible for marketing/ international cooperation’s/distribution

2001-2004  IVS – Joint Venture Telekom Austria (A1) – X-Art 
Head of Business development.  Responsible for the creation and the development of different A1 customers Web TV applications like www.aon.tv the interactive xdsl based broadband TV for TA customers as well as a broadband TV project for the ministry of education (bm:bwk)

2002 -2004 responsible for the implementation and growth of the Virage (USA) partner network in central and eastern Europe

2005 – 2012 member of the Autonomy global services experts’ team for all audiovisual customers applications

2004 member of the Ars Electronica – U19 jury

2005 member of the „national multimedia and e-business“ jury

2005 - 2010 member of the AWS „Impulse programme” der Creativwirtschaft Austria multimedia jury        

2005-2014 member of the advisory board for the AWS to specify the new directions for the “Impulse programme” in the multimedia domain in Austria (funded by the ministries of economy)

2008 – 2014 deputy chair member of the ethics board of the pan European security project “INDECT”

2008 – 2015 special projects coordination and management for the CEO of RedBull Media House eg.: global Partnership with HP, 3ality digital, Gregory Colberts - Ashes and Snow, Ascent media, Sony Playstation, Microsoft Xbox Live, and many more.

2002-2015 national and international keynotes and TV discussions e.g. for ARD, TPC, Oracle, T-Mobile, European commission,  „E-Stream – Patras“, Autonomy – San Francisco and Cambridge, Austrian Wirtschaftsservice –AWS, INDECT ethic board, …..

2015 – today – CEO of x.news information technology gmbh – the manufacturer of the award winning research tool for journalists (clients include the BBC and other major broadcaster and corporates)
Andreas is globally connected with key decision makers and is in charge of setting up contracts and marketing plans with partners and for customers.

2021- today, EEN Ambassador, (Enterprise Europe Network) 
Andy is member of Rotary "Salzburg Residenz"