
9 September 20:00

Introductions are in order for tonight's guests – local businesses and entrepreneurs from the Salzburg area.

Several have answered our invitation for an evening of networking and sharing insights with the global BOLD community. Among them are:

Christian Eibl, CEO of Healthy Kids, a startup producing wholesome foods for children.

Victoria Neuhofer, a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Damn Plastic, which solely produces sustainable items.

Martin Lublasser, CEO of Anywhere Solar, specializing in installing photovoltaic systems.

Following a brief round of introductions, Markus Kaswurm, the State Representative of Young Entrepreneurs at the Salzburg Economic Chamber, took over the mic to welcome the BOLD community to Salzburg.

While he expressed hopes that international visitors have relished their time amid the majestic mountains, he emphasized that Austria's picturesque landscapes are not its only offering – as the experiences in Vienna and Linz surely attest.

Just like Markus, we too hope that the BOLD minds will cherish the spirit of the past few days long after the BOLD Unconference concludes tomorrow.

And now, onto dinner and networking! We'll touch base later.